Edit | Sunday, 01 Sep 2024 20.48.26 PM EDT: More info on the new About page.
In starting this post I had in mind using a bunch of the the ubiquitous “under construction” gifs plastered across the infant web.
I couldn’t think of a good way to spin this cliche, but that led me to drink from the well of nostalgia that collects my early days online, so a quick tangent: if you didn’t get your chance at that wonderful mess, one of your assignments is TEXTFILES.COM. Another time I’ll tell you about the parties.

Mess? What mess? What a mess. I’m getting distracted…
I’ve finally got the MVP for NYSee up, part of which you’re currently sitting on. It’s a new space for me to collect some of what I make that I think you might like, as well as more likeables via others or by the universe generally.
MVP? Yes, Minimum Viable Product.
The idea is to get something out the door quickly then to rapidly iterate on that to improve it. So rn NYSee is largely something, anything I can have people like you hit, and for me to learn from that.
I’ve just started sharing this with people as of this weekend, and I’ve gotten bits of feedback. Nothing’s been glaringly broken, which is unusual for an early stage project of mine, but I’m learning each time I send people here.
The push has been to have this in a presentable form for the start of this gallery season, and Armory Week’s upon us, so that that start is days away.
Soon to follow are details on what the various corners of NYSee are all about. I’ll also pull back the curtain here on NYSee Lowdown specifically about what’s happening behind the scenes with this site … as it stands it’s currently 3 separate Next.js apps hosted under a single domain. I’ve learned quite a bit in this process that others might benefit from. And if not that, there’ll be plenty more to soak up.