2005 – 2024
No Ordinary Monkey was an amazing party that took place in the basement restaurant of a FiDi office building at 50 Broadway. Many mornings I left and got out onto the street just as the sun was coming up. Not quite anything goes, but you could get away with a lot.
The only thing I added to the image was the duotone separation then printing of the 2 layers, Mint and Sky Blue. The shaddow-ish, rhythmic effects all happened in camera, leveraging a slightly longer shutter speed to collect the scene lit from behind with a strobe.
The image above is the first I’ve printed. Below are some of the iterations I went through, some of which will be printed in the coming weeks.

Original – 2005.09.16
As seen that night, the shot starting it all.

The PSD file used to produce the print up top.
Photoshop > Image > Mode > Duotone is your friend.

Bright Red v Yellow – Solarized
By pushing the duotone options in Photoshop I managed to achieve this faux solarization effect.

Sky Blue v Mint – Solarized

Yellow v Bright Red

Teal v Mint – Solarized