NYSee Radar

About NYSee
Raise the hair on your neck. Tune in to the city.
NYSee.nyc is a domain I registered as soon as the TLD became available. I've been sitting on it for years waiting for the inspiration to put it to use.
Matteo MacQueen and I were rabidly consuming art most of this last this year, a large part of that time being spent at gallery openings. For a long while now I've been known for meticulously compiling lists of shows to hit, then sharing those with friends who'd join. The lives of these lists were extended when those friends used them then passed them on. People seemed to find real value in these.
Matteo's idea: Amplify it. Share that information further still.
It's not just with gallery shows/openings, I've tended to be pretty good at finding information others find actionable. Turns out some of what I get excited by others do as well. It doesn't benefit anyone else if it's kept bottled up.
Funny, this reminds me a bit of combing through my sources when I'd first moved to NYC. I'd started an email list for events that was circulated, again amongst people close to me. No surprise that I then went on to work at Flavorpill doing similar on a larger scale.
NYSee Radar
NYSee Radar is what those lists of gallery shows has grown into. It's not entirely clear how often I can or want to make updates here. But as mentioned I see some cool shit that others are often excited by as well. For now the focus is gallery and museum shows.
NYSee Lowdown
NYSee Lowdown exists as an avenue for more general information worth passing on. I'm picturing it as being a repository for loosely coupled information be it art, design, music, tech, nyc, etc. This is regularly updated with stuff I'm creating or that influences what I create. It's form is a bit nebulous. As part of my practice I like to immerse myself in the work and find out what I'm making while in the process of making it. I like the idea of mapmaking combining science, aesthetics, and technique to communicate information through visual representation. That said, we're not sticking only to what can be seen. Something along the lines of the overwhelming, euphoric feeling on the dance floor last night, with Carlos Souffrant on the wheels of steel—while 100% sober, mind you—might qualify at some point.
So in this proces, as one might in Disco Elysium, I'm dumping all of my points into Shivers. (That's homework for you if you don't already know).
Raise the hair on your neck. Tune in to the city.
Shivers come when the temperature drops and you become more keenly aware of your surroundings. It enables you to hear the city itself, to truly belong to the streets. It is a supra-natural ability; old wrongs play out in present time, scenes across the city happen in front of you. But who is speaking to you?
— Disco Elysium Wiki
Join me. Let's discover, create and share.
<Ray />